AmigaOS3.5 (845/967)

From:Paul Isaacs
Date:26 May 2000 at 08:20:31
Subject:Re: SAD (was Re: HP 3100 printer driver)

On 21-May-00, David Rey wrote:
>In article <>,
>*Paul Isaacs* <> wrote:


>> 1) The WB menu item Debug/SAD immediatley crashes the system

>No, it doesn't. SAD is a *developer* tool that sends some low level
>info about your system status to the serial port, supposedly for
>being received and analysed on a second machine plugged there.

>Bottom line: don't mess with it if you don't know what you are doing.

My machine has an A2232 card and I have used NSDpatch to retarget some of the
serial device units. Also my default serial unit is unit 6. I tried changing
the default to unit 1 but Debug/SAD still freezes the machine instantly.

I don't have a problem with not messing with things if I don't know what I'm
doing but I wonder about the wisdom of putting things that shouldn't be messed
with in the default workbench menu. Wouldn't most people assume that items in
the workbench menu were there for them to use?


>> 2) when I try to icons/snapshot one of the new 3.5 disk icons
>> ( floppy Df0: with volume name Scratch ) I get DOS error 205 - object
>> not found.

>workbench.library 44.1479 provided with Boing Bag #1 should correct this.
>Please double check you are using it.

Version command shows 44.1479

>Looks like your Scratch: volume had no real disk icon, but the pseudo icon
>provided by ENV:Sys/ This is normal if you just formatted the
>disk, for instance. A real is created and/or updated e.g. when
>you snapshot your disk icon.

Dopus does not show a .info file on df0:. However, snapshot fails with the 205
error. There is disk activity as a result of the snapshot - attempting to read
a non-existent .info file maybe?

When I rename a different icon shows up so you have the "problem"
spot on, however, the updated library doesn't seem to be the solution.

Back to the HP3100.

Is there any way that I can get the source code for the HP3100 driver? Or
specs on the HP3100 interface protocol for that matter - the HP web site is
really not very helpful in this regard.

Regards and thanks for the help,

Paul Isaacs

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